So I am embarrassed to say that I didn't get any pictures at Thanksgiving! We did have a lot of food and fun though. Everyone was there on Matt's side of the family except my sister-in-law Jenny and her family. They were with her husband's family this year. We ate in the early afternoon and then went to see a movie right after. This year we saw Madagascar 2. It was a really cute movie. We took Keagan and he loved it. As long as he had his popcorn, he was fine. Towards the end he started to get louder and louder. He kept trying to tell all of us what was going on in the movie! Grandma was nice enough to take Keagan to the front doors to finish. The next day I went shopping with my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and her husband. We got into the line for Target at 4 AM and waited till six when they opened! It was a lot of fun talking to people in line that early in the morning. The best part was that we all got what we wanted from the door-buster deals! I will have to say that if Target has good deals next year, we will have to go again! Today we did retakes of our family pictures. Matt and I were just unhappy with the way the others turned out that we wanted to redo them. Here are a couple that my mother-in-law and sister-in-law snapped for us. I can't wait for the other to come out!
Hello all! I started this blog page for all of those interested in the Sutton Family life. Some of you only get to talk to me ever so often so this is a great tool to use!